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Form new useful habits of your kid with our app KidHab


Become a magician for your child

Teach your child independence and responsibility. Make your child's commitment an interesting habit.

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Be a mentor and help choose a direction

Start with one habit and as soon as it takes root - move on to the next.

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Win together

Become a partner for the child and be an example in creating new habits.

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Create positive emotions from a new habit

Praise and reward your child for a new habit.

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Turn getting a new habit into a game

Tack your child's progress in your app as they complete tasks and score points.

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Become parents to whom children will be grateful in the future


Contact us

Download KidHab

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Ukraine, Kyiv, E. Konovalets str., 36

095 478 80 38
095 113 85 98

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